Docentenportal Farmaceutische Wetenschappen

Bachelor en master Farmaceutical sciences


In the three-year Bachelor’s programme in Pharmacy, medication itself is the focuspoint: what are its effects, what administration methods are there, how do you provide patient education, and how do you recognize symptoms of diseases. During the Bachelor’s programme, students delve into topics such as the chemical structure of drugs, the digestive system and nervous system, the pharmacokinetics of drugs in the body, dosage calculations, and patient counseling in medication use.

The three-year Master’s programme in Pharmacy prepares students to become basic pharmacists, who are medication experts playing an active role in healthcare based on scientific knowledge. The pharmacy programme is structured around five core areas: product care, patient care, medication policy, quality care, and research & innovation.
Upon completion of the programme, graduates are eligible to pursue further specialization in community pharmacy and hospital pharmacy. Both fields emphasize pharmaceutical patient care and product care.

For the most up-to-date information regarding the Bachelor’s and Master’s education in Pharmacy, as well as the course schedule of the curriculum, you can visit the student website for Pharmacy students.

Course offerings Bachelor’s in Pharmacy.

Course offerings Master’s in Pharmacy.